Analysing individuals, cultivating teams

The art and science of high-performance teams


A new CEO for a private equity firm was establishing the business in a new territory, and he had to assemble his team.

He was familiar with the region and aware of some key established players. Our job was to profile them, identify other potential candidates and make recommendations. We looked at various criteria, including their experience, sectoral coverage, and personal disposition.

Approach & outcome

After profiling each person, we could determine the contribution each would make to the team and which combination would create the most cohesive team in terms of areas of business and temperament.

While some individuals had excellent track records as rainmakers, they also presented two key risks: the first was their ego, inhibiting their ability to attribute success to others or nurture the growth of others. Secondly, they were primarily motivated by money. In a market that saw global players setting up shop, the likelihood of them moving to the next biggest bidder was high.

Understanding the capabilities of the other candidates, we were in a position to recommend team configurations that would build a more stable and sustainable business.

Why it matters

Companies and investors are often tempted to hire (or invest in) people with big personalities. Our research shows that the ‘quiet’ ones are often better at building a business, both in terms of revenue and the people.

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